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Scitec Selenium 100 tabs natural mineral food supplement that serves many functions in the body and with effect in normalizing the functioning of thyroid. Scitec Selenium is also important factor in hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, in protection against oxidative cell damage and more to continue to read on this site.
Nutritional supplement Selenium is essential for the normal activity of the enzymes Glutathione piroxidase group. These enzymes have direct action on body detoxification and protection against oxidative stress. In addition, selenium is involved in the organic process of recycling of vitamin C, allowing full utilization of this vitamin to offer antioxidant protection.
Scitec Selenium helps regulate the endocrine system and in particular the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland dysfunction causes several health problems, and the increased weight a major deregulated results.
Scitec selenium is a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals and have action on protection against various types of tumors. Selenium has anti aging effects to protect the body against arthritis and gout. Is considered as a preventive of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Scitec Selenium for serving in sport?
The powerful antioxidant effect of Scitec Selenium helps protect muscles against the harmful effects of free radicals that are released in the body after physical training. Situations of muscle weakness and general fatigue may indicate lack of selenium in the body. This state of muscle weakness is most evident when the athlete feels difficulty in maintaining the ability to support muscle hypertrophy training.
How to take Selenium Scitec: take 1 pill per day separately from other minerals and vitamins that you are taking.
Information notice: the effects of food supplements with sporting objectives are not intended to resolve, do analysis, or somehow have preventive effects on changes in the health of those who take them. Nutrition supplements and sports support cannot occupy the space of a usually healthy dietary regime. In no circumstances take these foods beyond the dosages indicated by the markings. Take the supplements along with eating as much as possible in accordance with established criteria for a healthy diet.