Obesity: why fat and weight gain
Although fat or suffer from obesity may lead to various types of diseases or health disorders get fat or get obese is not considered a disease in itself. The more obesity and weight gain with accumulation of fat we have in the body, the greater the chances of having heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood pressure. But this does not become a obsession for nobody because fat and have obesity is not an incurable organic disorder, but rather something that we have been able to resolve with our willpower and discipline. In this article, the site CorposFlex dietary supplements will identify you which can cause obesity and fat accumulation in various parts of the body such as waist, thighs, neck.
Obesity or overweight is not only a concern of aesthetic beauty, but rather a complex organic disorder that involves excessive accumulation of fat in the body. We are considered obese when they have accumulated too much fat or lipids in the body.
Why do people get fat?
Eating too much or consume many calories
There is a well defined percentage of calories that a person can consume per day based on your age, gender and level of physical activity. If someone eats more calories than the body needs to function normally, it could lead to obesity. If we have a high-calorie food and if this feed includes saturated fat and simple carbohydrates like sugar, is a common reason that obesity will be sharper if we have a kind of sedentary life.
Hormonal or endocrine disorders
Hormonal balance is essential for the proper functioning of the basal metabolism. If there is a hormonal imbalance due to deficiencies in the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, the food in general and particularly the lipid metabolism will result in accumulation of body fat which will lead to obesity.
Diabetes, which is an endocrine disease where there is no or little production of insulin from the pancreatic endocrine glands, is also one of the causes of obesity.
Sedentary lifestyle or little physical activity
We can put us at risk of fat if we have a sedentary lifestyle. Spend long hours sitting, watch too much tv, sit many hours in front of a computer, or any other sedentary activity, will result in lower consumption of calories and consequent way to obesity.
Follow the link and see our natural weight reducing products that will help to eliminate obesity and fat gain in. Improve self-esteem, be more healthy and happy.