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Alternative Dispute Resolutions

We inform you that in the event of a dispute, the customer may resort to a Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution (RAL) Entity, in accordance with Decree Law 144/2015.


Without prejudice to the duty to consult the Consumer Portal (, RAL entities with generic competence, currently existing in the country, are listed:


- Vale do Ave Information and Arbitration Center (TRIAVE) - Guimarães
- Algarve Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (CIMAAL)
- Vale do Cávado Information and Arbitration Center (CIAB) - Braga
- Arbitration Center for Consumer Conflicts in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (CACRAM)
- Center for Arbitration of Consumer Disputes in Lisbon (CACCL)
- Consumer Disputes Arbitration Center of the District of Coimbra (CACCDC)
- Porto Consumer and Arbitration Information Center (CICAP)
- National Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration Center (CNIACCtr)
- Complaints Book (