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Biotech Super Fat Burner supplement containing a very high dose of active ingredients to lose weight. Super Fat Burner is the fat burner that has a lipotropica and metabolic action.
Super Fat Burner of Biotech helps metabolize fats, reduces cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar, which also decreases the appetite.
Biotech Super Fat Burner favors effectively the fat burning process when combined with a simple exercise and a diet low in calories. Get a weight loss without precedent.
Super Fat Burner is a supplement specially recommended for people who follow a diet and who want this to be as short and effective as possible.
Super Fat Burner of Biotech is also recommended for athletes who want to get more defined muscles burning body fat.
Up to 50 kg – 2 tablets
Of 50 to 75 kg-3 pills
over 75 kg – 4 tablets.