Dietary Supplements for Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding supplements are used by bodybuilders and athletes in General, leading to increased muscle mass and improve performance.
The increasing popularity of bodybuilding training between people of both sexes, has given a big boost in the use of these supplements, with the aim of increasing the volume of muscle mass, lose fat, increase strength, maximize performance, improve the appearance and body posture and even speed recovery between workouts preventing injuries.
Bodybuilding supplements are differentiated between, dietary supplements and workout supplements. Dietary supplements such as amino acids, meal replacements and protein, are used to provide essential nutrients that are not ingested in sufficient quantities through the daily diet. Serve therefore to fill specific needs inherent in a balanced diet. As for supplements, they are intended to increase levels of certain nutritional elements far beyond what the human body consumes in normal situations. Having as purpose and outcome, the magnification of the effects of these nutrients, when taken in accompaniment of the bodybuilding workouts. An example is training supplement creatine. This nutrient is produced normally by the body, but athletes ingest it in much greater quantity than usual, to help in the construction and volume of muscles.
Detail of some supplements used in bodybuilding:
Protein: Protein is essential in building muscle, protein is one of the most supplements used by practitioners of bodybuilding. When consumed on a regular basis and in appropriate quantities, the protein causes the muscle fibers grow and repair themselves efficiently and dynamics.
Creatine: is used to supply to the muscles short loads of energy. Creatine helps combat fatigue and provides the fuel for muscle cells.Glutamine: Glutamine is a supplement for bodybuilding regarded as one of the best in order to obtain maximum results. One of the roles of glutamine, is to bring the necessary nutrients to the muscles to make them bigger, more defined, while defending the immune system.
Anabolic Formulas: this type of supplements raise testosterone levels in the body, resulting in increased strength and muscle volume. There are several types of incrementadores of testosterone, the most common being the ZMA, Tribulus Terrestris, Red Kat.Leucine: Leucine is considered a very important amino acid in practice of bodybuilding. Leucine helps regulate levels of glutamine in the body, promote the metabolism anticatabólico of muscles and support the functions of the immune system.
Essential fatty acids: also known as EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) or omegas, assist in the production of energy, fat burning, aid in the protection of the brain and nerve fibers and the regulation of mood. These fatty acids can be of vegetable or animal origin.
The choice of the best Bodybuilding Supplements are the result of a personal decision and unique to each individual. For this reason, the CorposFlex has at its disposal a variety of supplements for bodybuilding, adapted to each and every one of your choices of food supplementation. GOOD CHOICES!