Super Foods for weight loss
When we choose to consume certain super foods we will contribute to our goal of weight balance, weight loss, and most importantly losing fat in the belly. Eat better, choose the super food right and lose weight it's always an important choice for those who want to eliminate a few pounds while improving your health. So, here are the tips and effects of some super foods that help reach the goal of losing weight in a healthy way.
1- Apple
As the old and true saying: "an Apple a day keeps the doctors away". It is a fact that the Apple is one of the super foods that not only prevents the spread of diseases, but also helps us to lose weight. Study published by the American Magazine Food Chemistry, reveals that even.
The Apple contains non-digestible nutrients, fiber and polyphenols that promote the development of good bacteria in the gut and which contribute to weight loss. Eat one or more apples per day. Eat what you feel like, but prefer them raw because cooking destroys the precious polyphenols.
2- Avocado
This tropical fruit is a precious Green super food that is like a real gold mine in nutritional terms. Some people are concerned of not to eat avocado when they are in weight loss regimen because they think it is a fat food. In fact, the avocado contains a good amount of healthy fats (monounsaturated) that fill the stomach, but are not stored in the body as fat. This means that when we eat the super food avocado we will have the feeling of a full stomach and satisfied for much longer and, above all, without make us fat! Fantastic, right?
A 2014 study published by Nutrition Magazine confirms that the person that eats half of an avocado at lunch, you will feel less desire to eat until dinner time, when compared with someone else who has not eaten avocado. The avocado is definitely a super food that should be taken into account in order to take its most nutritional advantages.
3 – Almond
The almond is a super excellent food that contributes to the so-called flat stomach if consumed in moderation. Almond contains a lot of fiber and healthy fats. Constitutes itself as the perfect food to go cracking throughout the day. A handful of almonds and a piece of fruit, are super perfect foods that satisfy nutritionally and without getting fat.
4 - Broccoli and green vegetables
We all know that the green vegetables particularly broccoli are great for our health and in particular to our waist line. But why are they super foods? Well, the fact is that our gastric juice takes much longer to break these fibers. This apart from functioning as a barrier that prevents the sugars from entering into our bloodstream very quickly thus avoiding insulin resistance and the consequent increase of fat in the belly.
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