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Free Radicals its Effects Antioxidants, Anti-Aging

Posted by in on November 30, 2013 . 0 Comments.

What Are free radicals?

Relationship between free radicals and aging.


Free radicals are molecules produced in the body and resulting from the respiratory mechanism. The entirety of oxygen that the body absorbs daily, 2 to 5% turns into free radicals resulting from the absolutely natural effect resulting from the breathing process.

Our body has a system of protection and defense of free radical fighting produced each time. This protection is made by producing organic enzymes that can destroy up to 99% of these free radicals. These, when produced in moderate amounts, fight bacteria and viruses present in our body.

Our metabolism produces many other substances that cancel out the harmful effects of free radicals. However, when the free radicals are produced in excess, they become detrimental to the cell phone balance, because damage in our healthy cells, resulting in increased risk for developing various diseases.

The human body is nothing more than a collection of cells that must function in harmony and that are renewing and dying throughout life, with the main responsible for the aging of these cells are the free radicals that are forming along a life and become more evident and accented as we aging.

In one of the scientific explanations are told that the following happens: every time it processes a oxidative chemical reaction in our body, such as the simple act of breathing, a relative amount of energy is left in the body. This residual power can come to form the so-called free radicals, which cause various physical bodily cells.

The oxidation process that will happening within our body, due to metabolic actions, is not the only reason for the production of free radicals. There are also other internal and external factors that can also contribute to the formation of an excess of radicals and that can cause irreparable damage.

Until around the age of 40-45 years, the organism can negate the excess free radicals, through protective enzymes of cells. After these ages, the production of free radicals exceeds such that the natural defense mechanisms are no longer enough, then beginning to organic changes, as the aging process and (or) any appearance of certain pathological diseases.

The main internal factors of the direct or indirect consequences of free radicals are:

  • Cancer,

  • Aging,

  • some types of anemia,

  • myocardial Infarctions,

  • Parkinson's disease.

  • atherosclerosis,

Between the external causes most likely formation of free radicals in our body are:

  • environmental pollution and vehicle leaks gas

  • x-ray and ultraviolet radiation from the Sun;

  • cigarette smoke and alcohol;

  • pesticide residue;

  • toxic substances present in foods and drinks (chemical additives, hormones, etc.);

  • Stress and high consumption of saturated fats (fried foods, sausages, etc.).

The longer a person be exposed to aggressive external factors, the greater the amount of free radicals that accumulate in your body. Over time, the cumulative effect can cause changes that harm our health. Pigmented spots on the skin, wrinkles, parched skin early, among other complications that are directly associated with free-radical action.

Sporting activity and free radical :

Physical exercises practiced sparingly are beneficial to our health and well-being. There are two ways in which free radicals are produced during the exercise. The first is linked to very intense exercises in which there is an increase of 10 to 20 times the consumption of oxygen in the body. The enormous oxygen pumping through the tissues triggers the release of free radicals. To avoid this, it is recommended to practice the exercises between 65-80% of your maximum heart rate.

Other shape of production of free radicals during exercise is linked to the process that is known as ischemia-reperfusion (follow the link to learn more). During the execution of physical exercise, blood flow is diverted from the organs to the muscles directly involved in activity. Thus, a body part will undergo a temporary oxygen deficiency. After the terms of the exercises is to reperfusion when the blood returns to the organs that were deprived of it. This process was linked to the release of large quantities of free radicals,

Antioxidants and free radicals:

Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals, reducing its power of chemical reaction. Antioxidants are molecules with positive charge which act on free radicals thereby making them harmless.

Antioxidants fight under different forms free radicals. First they act preventing the formation of molecules, in second place are also capable of preventing the spread of the free radicals preventing the formation of lesions in our cells. They can still repair the damage caused by free radicals, removing the damage and repair damaged cells.

To combat this excessive production of free radicals, you need to include in your eating habits antioxidant nutrients. Our body produces some, but does not generate all required, since there are other types that we ingest, as vitamins "A" and "C" and "E", the mineral selenium and Coenzyme Q10.

Foods such as nuts, peanuts, seeds, almonds, avocados, liver, vegetables and wheat germs are rich in vitamin e. for vitamin C, can opt for citrus fruits such as orange, lemon, pineapple and vegetables like peppers, spinach, pumpkin, cabbage, broccoli and tomatoes. Beta-carotene, in addition to being a great antioxidant, helps the immune system and fat metabolism. It can be found in foods such as pumpkin, melon, pepper, sweet potato, mango, papaya, carrot, cabbage and Damascus. Since Selenium is present in foods such as pork, chicken and beef, seafood, nuts, brown rice and whole wheat bread.

Due to agitation of everyday life, it is not always possible to have a healthy diet and complete. Therefore, an extra supplementation with products offered by CorposFlex will contribute to the improvement of their health, well-being and good shape. We invite you to see our categories in health and wellness and still vitamins and minerals .

Despite a balanced diet bring great benefits in combating free radicals, none of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients can separately reduce fully the damage caused by free radicals. Is the exact combination of these antioxidants that will play the role in the protection of their health in the anti-aging process.

Tags: antioxidants, aging, body, food, free radicals, flex, supplementation, bodies, vitamins Last update: July 23, 2020


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