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Because we know you want to feel like a winner at the gym, have maximum muscle gain and be able to recover quickly, so this site of supplements you have chosen especially for you MHP BCAA 10x 300g the most advanced amino acids BCAA supplement, more powerful and with lowest price guaranteed.
MHP BCAA 10x has the amazing ratio of 10:1:1 loaded with 10 times more for the remaining BCAA Leucine to transform this supplement in anabolic most powerful product for muscles.
MHP BCAA 10x was developed based on the most advanced performance studies. For this reason it is concluded that to include 10 times more Leucine, this BCAA formula allows better protein synthesis, best repair of micro breaks and better protection of muscle structure, causing an anabolic State incredible muscle.
MHP BCAA 10x has excellent taste and mix with ease, being the most perfect pre-workout supplement, intra-treino or post-workout. This amino acid supplement has been widely used by amateur fitness enthusiasts and other sports activities and primarily by professional athletes.
MHP BCAA 10x promotes:
Greater muscle gain and better synthesis of proteins.
Better recovery, repair and endurance of the muscles.
More power and increased strength in practice.
Anti-catabolic protection.
How to take BCAA 10x: mix 1 BCAA spoon scoop included the 240-300 ml of water or another drink. Take 1 to 2 doses each day.
Information note: The products available on this site of sports supplements are referred to as dietary supplements for sports nutrition and are not intended to do diagnosis, fix, cure or prevent any disease or infirmity. Nutritional supplements for athletes should not take precedence over a full, diverse and healthy diet. Do not take more than the daily dose recommended by manufacturers. Take the supplements in conjunction with a balanced diet whenever possible. Keep this product to sport a cool and dry place. Keep the packaging away from children.