Carbohydrates Fattening?
Effect of carbohydrates in Sports Supplementation.
Carbohydrates must have highlights in our diets. It is advisable that they are part of 50 to 60% of the total caloric value of daily menu, is for those who want to lose, maintain or gain weight. Although it is recognized that they provide energy to the body, the carbohydrates carry with them another stigma not as positive: usually, they are indicated as being responsible for weight gain (fats). Trust only in the fact that they are important generators of body energy and rethink the concept wrong to simply avoid or cut with the foods carbohydrates in your nutrition. This nutritional component is, without a doubt, the best source of energy for our bodies and relate it with the weight increase is just a myth. Each gram of carbohydrate provides 4 calories, the same caloric value presented in one gram of protein
To eliminate once this important macro nutrient of our food, there could be symptoms like irritation, headache, mental and physical fatigue. The secret, in addition to stay tuned to the quantity, must pass by choosing different types of carbohydrates and taking into account its objectives.
Choose complex carbohydrates or simple?
Classified generically in simple and complex, the carbohydrates have different effects in the body. Simple carbohydrates are found in candies, milk and fruits, have a higher content of glucose and therefore are digested faster. That means, after delight with some food rich in simple carbohydrates, you won't take long to feel hungry again. The fruits, by also being rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals, are the best choices to take advantage of this variant. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates provide a prolonged satiation for slower digestion. Are found in cereals, rice, bread and pasta, they are even more effective when ingested in full version, because the fibers cause the stomach take longer to beg for food. (For example, oats as well as being rich in fiber, she hides many other advantages and food profits). The classification and Division of carbohydrates does not stop here. Simple and complex carbohydrates are divided into subgroups, which take different names because of the breaks that suffer after the beginning of the digestive process. Learn about the different characteristics of each.
This also part of the Group of simple carbohydrates. The monosaccharides are represented by the glucose, galactose and fructose. Glucose is present in high amounts in fruits, vegetables, corn syrup and honey. This is an excellent energy source, once the central nervous system, often only account with this CARB to ensure the adrenaline to the body. On the other hand, fructose has a function almost equal and is found in abundance in fruits. The galactose, in turn, arises from the digestive process of lactose, present in milk and its derivatives
Within the Group of simple carbohydrates, the disaccharides are divided into sucrose, lactose and maltose. Sucrose is made up of the usual table sugar. It is also found in sugar cane, beet, corn syrup, vegetables, fruits and honey. During digestion, it is converted into glucose and galactose, termed as Monosaccharides. The milk and its derivatives are sources of lactose, which, in digestion, also give rise to glucose and galactose. Maltose is not found in free form of food. It is obtained through the breakdown of large molecules of starch and then reduced to two molecules of glucose.
They are represented by starch, glycogen and by dietary fiber, they form the most famous team of complex carbohydrates.
Starch is obtained only from the intake of vegetables. Already the glycogen is not acquired by any food. Glycogen is a natural form of carbohydrate storage in the liver and muscles. Because they are not digested by the body, the fibers have many advantages. Besides helping to regulate the intestinal function, they do not contain calories. Rely on fruits and vegetables to take advantage of dietary fibre.
Other group participants of the complex carbohydrates are oligosaccharides. To take advantage of them, eat asparagus, artichokes, bananas, wheat, soy and honey. One of its most representative elements is maltodextrin, obtained by breakage of starches. This nutrient is recognized for the ability to override the common sugar, adding the benefit of being less calories (each gram presents calorie calories 4 1.5 against the same amount of sucrose).
Maltodextrin is also very well known and famous among the practitioners of sports activities. When the exercises are of long duration (take more than 90 minutes), it is recommended in gel or powder and is a guarantee of more income for practitioners. The amount depends on the intensity and duration of exercise, but indicated is that the concentration of the substance in the liquid varies between 5 to 8%. For an athlete who ingest 750 ml of water every hour that you exercise, for example, 30 gr of maltodextrin. But only a sports nutrition expert will make the exact calculation of maltodextrin to be taken and according to the level and requirement of the effort expended in physical activity.
At CorposFlex you can buy the most suitable carbohydrates (click here), from the most respected manufacturers of nutritional supplements.