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Speed up metabolism to burn fat, Calories

Posted by in on December 23, 2013 . 0 Comments.

Accelerate Metabolism burns more fat and calories

What's the secret to having a high metabolism?

Metabolism is a result from the operation of a group of hormones and enzymes that transform the calories of everything we eat into energy and in a more or less effective. Metabolism is responsible for establishing the time that our body takes to spend or to accumulate calories.

If you are with a few extra pounds and have great difficulty in losing them, it is very common to blame it on lazy metabolism. But does the possible ineffectiveness of your metabolism is the real culprit? Above all, what can you really do to speed up your metabolism?

Your metabolism changes due to various factors and influences, such as age (the metabolism will become slower about 5% in every decade from the 40 years), gender (men burn more calories than women), amount of lean body mass (muscle) present in the body (the higher amount of muscle you have, the faster will be the metabolism) and lastly the hereditary factors. Eventually, health problems such as hypothyroidism or other hormone deficiencies can also make slower metabolism.

How to speed up metabolism?

Although there are some difficult causes to be modified, there are however some procedures to speed up your daily calorie expenditure with a faster metabolism. The best way is the regular practice of physical exercise, which should include aerobic movements and muscle strengthening, which will contribute so that you can keep your metabolic rate high for longer throughout his life. Know that the cells that are found in muscles burn calories more quickly than fat cells, even during the rest. To strengthen and confirm this theory, be aware that studies have shown that every pound of muscle mass burn 70 calories per day, while each pound of fat Burns only four calories per day.

Although it is a fact evident that 30 minutes of aerobic exercises burn more calories than 30 minutes of muscle strengthening (bodybuilding exercises), in the hours following physical activity, is the musculature which has since been crafted that will be responsible for sustaining the increase in metabolic waste from your body. In other words, by having more muscle mass, which means you can eat more and earn less overweight.

Eat more times and accelerate metabolism.

The more times you eat, the faster you will burn calories. Smaller amounts of food more often and help keep your metabolism always on alert. The opposite also happens if you spend many hours without food or skipping meals. In this case your metabolism will be much slower to save energy. Another important factor that affects the acceleration of metabolism is that people who snack on between meals, have a tendency to eat a smaller amount during lunch and dinner, which leads to a significant decrease of the amount of calories ingested daily, resulting in increased metabolic function and a decrease in body fat.

What kind of nutrition accelerates the metabolism?

Proteins need to spend about 30% more energy to be digested. So in theory it is concluded that protein-rich snacks are best for burning calories. Some nutrients such as red peppers and green tea have properties to accelerate the basal metabolism in 30 minutes after its ingestion. However, these benefits are not enough to generate a significant weight loss.

In short, to speed up your metabolism, nothing better than increasing your muscle mass rate clean, have a protein-rich feed ingested more often and to a lesser extent at a time. Click on the link below to learn about the wide range of protein supplements that CorposFlex have at your disposal.

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